The Current: A Reverse Job Board For The Gambling Industry
TCL will offer a short piece on something new in the US gambling space in The Current every Tuesday.
I’m doing something a little different this week, and I am going to keep it short. But I know I have a large readership in the gaming industry, and this resource is for all of you … and for the people who are currently out of work.
After a bunch of my former colleagues at Catena Media were laid off last week, I tried to help them by creating a spreadsheet listing everyone who lost their jobs. Then I started thinking about it: Why not create a reverse job board just for our industry? I put it out into the world on LinkedIn, and I was overwhelmed by the response and engagement, so it’s a go.
(As an aside, I know why people generally don’t create reverse job boards: they’re impossible to monetize, they have high churn, etc. Luckily I don’t care about any of that, and am just trying to help connect people and expand my network/reach.)
So here it is: The Gambling Industry Reverse Job Board. In less than a week, I had more than 60 job seekers opt in for inclusion.
Right now it’s just a Google Sheet; if this gains traction, I will revisit how I do it. I will be updating this periodically and also boosting visibility via this newsletter from time to time after updates.
So how can you help?
If your company is hiring, share this resource with HR departments and talent acquisition folks.
If you’re looking for work in the gambling industry, fill out the Google Form to be included in the listing. The more people who are included, the more useful this will be for employers.
Share this post and/or the job board on social media. I’ll be posting about this on LinkedIn as well, if you can just share that.
Subscribe to the newsletter (free or paid) to support the work and to get updates on this and the rest of the gaming industry.
If you have feedback on how the job board should be structured/organized, how to help it succeed or make it more useful for you, email me at I want to hear it and make it better.
Closing Line Consulting
Need help with gambling content, navigating the North American gaming industry, communications/PR, or research and analysis? I have a consultancy to help in gaming and beyond. Reach out if you want to have a conversation. Learn more about CLC here.
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