The federal legislation proposed by tonko is not surprising to me as the industry which I agree has done a lot of stupid crap that they’ve repeated from the uk deceptive promos, limiting or banning of winners which is another discussion and the pieces that 60 minutes and others which some are yes hit pieces like the ohtani scandal which has nothing to do with the legal industry. They have done on the industry have begun to I think start to get them to think it’s a bad thing which is a shame but the industry does need to take responsibility for some of their dumb mistakes that have caused people like tonko to call for federal legislation.

Now I agree this probably doesn’t go anywhere being a election year plus you’ll see the aga lobby against it and I’m sure Dina Titus in my state of Nevada who slammed the grit act and is standing up for the industry here won’t go along with certain pieces in the legislation he proposed. The legal industry’s favor by the general public is I think slowly turning and they do need to somehow get it together as they continue to dig a hole that they might not get out of.

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